Health Survey Analysis

 Health Survey Analysis

My research topic: Health

Target: Japanese University students

Number of respondents: 16

(Summary) Students answered 9 questions about health.


Graph #1 shows that about 75% students eat breakfast every day because 43.8% responded "yes", 31.3% responded "Almost every day". However, a quarter of the students do not have breakfast. These result shows that people eat breakfast significantly more than I expected.


Graph#2 shous that Rice is the most eaten at breakfast by student and no student drink soup at breakfast. Perhaps the reason for the large percentage of  rice is that rice is a traditional food in Japan. On the other hand, no student drink moso soup, which a traditional Japanese soup, for breakfast.


Graph#3 shous that the reason why do you or don't you eat breakfast.
Eat→ Main reason is hungry. In addition, student want to get energy.
No eat→ sleep more, no eating breacfast is custom.


Graph#4 shows the experience about folling asleep in class. Over 90% students have fallen asleep in class because 50%  responded "often", 43.8% responded "a couple of times". Miraculously, some students never fell asleep in class.


Graph#5 shous how many hours of sleep every day on average. The most common responses are "about 4 to 6 hours". that rate is over 60%. The noxt most common responses are "more than 6 hours". The rate is 31.3%. The result indicates that students are getting relatively long hours of sleep.


Graph#6 shows that how many hours students would ideally like to sleep. The most common responses are 8 hours. 25% responded that answer. Next is 7 hours. 18.8% responded that answer. By the way, very interesting answer aew gain. Student want to sleep more than 10 hours!! 


Graph#7 shows that frequency of exercise. 50% responded "onece a week". That ia the most common response. In addition, "onece a moth" and "2 or 3 times a week" are same rate. These are 12.5%. However, I was surprised to find that 18.8% of students responded "not at all". 


Graph#8 shows that most respondents best to exercise is winter and in owne house. I assume that this is because comfortable and easy to exercise. i would have guessed that a large percentage of the students exercises outside in the summer, but not many compared to my prediction.


List#9 shows the participant's opinion of the way to stay healthy for modern university students. Although not every response is shown here, mamy more original and interesting opinions were given. A lot of student said 3 solutiion to stay healthyfor today's university students. First, ensuring a good night's sleep. Second, eating a good breakfast. Third, moderate exercise.



This survey has may suprising result. I hope this survey will encourage more students to take care of their health. Thanks to all my classmate who helped me with this survey!


  1. I am interestd in graph#4. I am surprised that half of students fall in sleep in class.

  2. Many students should more sleep. Our Health is more important than lectures. However, I am healthy though, my report is not finished every day. What's wrong???

  3. I'm interested in the topic of your survey. Especially, the result of question 4, half of the students who fell asleep in classes said "often" which is interesting

  4. I learned again that health is important. Thank you for doing this survey!

  5. I'm amazed almost students have experience sleeping in class. It's really interesting!




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