My travel plan

 I want to go to the U.K. !!

I realy want to go the U.K. as early as possoble.

The official name of U.K. is 
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

  • capital ➢ London
  • population ➢ 68,683,025
  • land area  ➢ 244,820㎢

There are many cultual and historical spots in the U.K.

Therefore, I would like to introduce that country while I make travel plan in that country!!

1. Glouceter Cathedral is wonderful place. Therefore I want to go there.

It was used as a filming location for Harry Potter.

2.Oxford is attractive for everyone. Therefore, I would like to visit and shopping in there.

There is universuty of Oxford in oxford.

3. In break time, I want to eat Fish and Chips

The food is traditional food in U.K.!!

4. Cotswolds is beautiful plase. You will have never seen before such a city!

Its cityspape is very attrastive and will attract you!

Finaly, I want to visit Lndon definitely.

There are many sightseeing site in London.


  1. I have always wanted to visit in UK. I thought so even more in your post.

  2. I intoroduced about United Kingdom too. I want to go there together.

  3. I want to Glouseter Cathedral, because I like Harry Potter.

  4. how much information there are about U.K. i learn to know about U.K. in this blog much.

  5. I realy like fish&chips. So I want to eat it, watching Big Ben!!

  6. I can learn many spots in United Kingdom by your blog. I want to eat fish&chips.

  7. I love that there are so many beautiful places in U.K.




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