My Invention

 My Invention

Very Smart Trash Can

"Smarsh Can"

(Original Problem & Idea / Solution)

    A lot of people understand that separation of garbage in very important to protect the environment. However, the presence of people who do not practice garbage separation can cause problems for garbage collectors. Moreover, when all resources and waste are disposed of as garbage without separation, even resources that could have been recycled are burned or landfilled without effective utilization.

    My Invention which I've named the "Smarsh Can" consist of trash can with one inlet and AI that identifies the type of trash.


  • One input and several boxes.
  • AI identiies types of trash and facilitates classification.
  • Since garbage separation differs by region, the onboard AI can be used to set where garbage should be segregated by user.
  • This "Smarsh Can" separates trash into burnable, non-burnable, and plastic trash.
  • It promotes recycling and has a positive impact on environmental protection.
    This product price is 8,990 yen + 2,000 yen ( one -year guarantee)
     Total price : 11,990 yen
     If AI becomes more prevalenr from now on, prices may be lower in the future.


This product has a very positive impact on the environment. Promoting recycling sctivities will help build a sustainable society. Therefore, This "Smarsh Can" would benefit more from installation in homes, classromes, workplaces, and public facilities!


  1. I like your invention because you care about the earth!!

  2. I want to get such a product.

  3. I like this product. I want it.

  4. This invention is very useful because of no separation.

  5. i hope that product come true

  6. This idea is very very good!! It is good for environmrent.




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